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Fine art scarves of cashmere blend and silk are designed and signed by photographer Katherine Keates.

Each design has been carefully chosen for its creative composition and vibrant, rich colours.

Shop both the Lolili Luxury Cashmere Blend and Silk Road Squares by Lolili below.


Lolili Luxury Cashmere Blend

Wear your story with our luxurious all-season, timeless collection of fine Italian made, over-sized, cashmere blend scarves. Each piece of unique wearable art tells a story of an exotic destination or is an abstract impression designed with you in mind.

Our fine, limited edition cashmere blend scarves come in large square 55” x 55” (1.4 x 1.4 m) & large rectangular 55” x 75” ( 1.4 x 1.9m)


Silk Road Squares by Lolili

100% silk scarves, made entirely in Canada, present original photographic narratives and abstract designs in vivid colour and sensuous texture . All fine art silk squares have been signed by photographer/designer, Katherine Keates

Silk square sizes range from pocket square/kerchief size to 16” x 16” ( 40 cm square) to 40”x40” ( 1 m square)